rubber band in my past time

& you know what? i hate it?

A sermon on a girl whose name we don't even know

I’d be willing to wager the biggest reason you’re hesitant to sign up for Stephen Ministry isn’t the application. And it’s not the time commitment, either. Why it’s not even the training work itself. Is it? No, the biggest source of your unease is the suspicion that you’re not qualified! 

I’m right on this, too. Aren’t I? Well, let’s just go ahead and get this out of the way right now; it’s not true! You couldn’t be more wrong, you knuckleheads! But don’t feel bad. Naaman made the same mistake, too. 

And Naaman was a man of few mistakes! In fact, the only reason you and I are here is that we have more blunders under our belt than good ol’ Naaman. Naaman never had any reason to turn up in a place like this because he never needed to! Naaman assiduously kept his life on the up and up.

Perhaps you’ve had the misfortune of working with someone like that. You know the type, the ones who always put in the work. The ones who always complete their tasks on time. Or even ahead of schedule. And if all that isn’t bad enough, their handiwork is always above average, too. God save us from the over-achievers. 

But that was the kind chap Naaman was. And it served him well, too. Just look at all the accolades that are piled upon him! Naaman’s achieved the rank of general. He’s important to his king. He’s held in high esteem. He has a string of victories on the battlefield. And after reporting all that, in one of the greatest understatements in history, the Bible makes the obvious remark that Naaman was a “truly great man.” Yeah, we get it. 

Yet, for all those achievements, all it took to compromise them was a little skin blemish that wouldn’t go away. With his leprosy, Naaman confronted an obstacle he couldn’t overcome. And worst of all, the source of his predicament was his own body! What had always brought Naaman victory on the battlefield was now the very thing fighting against him! 

We’re not told the extent to which Naaman went looking for a treatment. But it must have been significant. After all, a young servant girl of his wife couldn’t help but take notice. 

And one day, in passing, she said something about it. “If only,” the girl opined. If only Naaman could visit the prophet of her former hometown, Samaria. If Naaman could just get an appointment with that prophet, then his leprosy would be cured. 

Naaman’s obviously heard of these rustic faith healers before, too. In fact, he’s probably even been on an expedition in pursuit of such healing. I say this because when word of the girl’s remark reaches him, Naaman knows exactly what to do! Naaman knows he’ll need letters from his king to vouch for him, bribes to win the other king’s cooperation, and offerings to gain the prophet’s approval. 

Naaman’s preparations have all the marks of someone whose done this before. Like us, with our reluctance to sign up for Stephen Ministry, Naaman knows that if you’re going to do something, you’ve got to be prepared. Unlike us, though, Naaman doesn’t have any doubts about his qualifications.

But for all his readiness, it doesn’t take long for Naaman’s campaign to go awry. Does it? Upon his arrival, Naaman goes right to the king of the land. Diligent as always, Naaman wants to make sure to do everything through proper channels. Unfortunately for Naaman, though, the meeting didn’t go as planned! 

Remember, that girl who served Naaman’s wife didn’t do so because she was looking for work. No, she served Naaman’s wife because she was captured. Captured from that king’s citizenry!

Naaman had given this king reason to be suspicious of him before he even met him! As such, when the king reads Naaman’s letter, he reads it as a pretext for another attack. Anticipating more collateral damage, the king rends his royal robe in frustration and fear. 

Somehow, though, we’re not told how, word of the drama on the high court reaches Elisha. And Elisha doesn’t have any time for this regal nonsense. No, Elisha sends word that there’s nothing to be torn up about. The general just needs to be sent to him, Israel’s prophet. 

With Elisha’s admonition, Naaman’s journey is back on track. But, like us, Naaman’s still thinking like the kings of this world rather than the servants of God. Naaman thinks he’s going to have to earn the prophet’s largess. Correspondingly, Naaman and his entourage make a big show of their arrival in an attempt to dazzle Elisha.

Elisha, though, isn’t impressed! In fact, Elisha has about as much time for Naaman as he had for his king. Apparently, there are more pressing matters than the comings and goings of the rich and powerful on God’s agenda. Accordingly, Elisha sends a mere messenger out to greet the impressive Naaman! 

What’s more, Elisha has no plans to grant Naaman an audience, either! Instead, Elisha sends the messenger to Naaman with instructions for treatment! Apparently, Elisha sees no reason to meet this infamous general.

Well, you can bet Naaman’s not used to this kind of reception. And to add insult to injury, Elisha’s directions are just to wash in the River Jordan! As if Naaman hadn’t already tried washing off that blemish! And in waters better by far than that piddly Jordan!

With that snub, Naaman’s face burns hot with exasperation and embarrassment. Naaman’s gone through all this trouble, and the prophet from that rinky-dink kingdom can’t even be bothered to come out and meet him?!? In a rage, Naaman storms off. Bellowing insults about that measly country, its sorry leaders, and its dirty waters to anyone who will listen.

At the cusp of his long sought-after cure, Naaman himself nearly thwarts it all! All because he thinks, like us, that God’s work hinges on qualifications and capabilities! As his servants remind him, though, Naaman’s got nothing to prove, and he’s got nothing to lose, either. So why not give it a try. 

And for one brief moment, Naaman sets his considerable accomplishments aside. At the end of his rope, Naaman heeds the prophet’s all too simple instructions. He goes down to the River Jordan and immerses himself seven times in those waters. 

Lo and behold, it works! Turns out, it was never about Naaman’s determination! No, it was always about God! And in God’s way of doing things, Naaman’s preparations only got in the way. In the end, it was Naaman’s surrender that God worked with best!

However, no sooner does Naaman come out of those waters, healed from head to toe, than he’s right back at it! Trying to pay for the healing with gifts of silver and gold. But Elisha knows better. 

Elisha knows the God he serves isn’t a God who works through capabilities and merits! Rather, the God of Israel is the God who works in spite of them! In fact, God’s preferred qualifications are incapabilities and demerits!!

This means, fellow adopted Children of the God of Israel, if you think you’re not fit to serve God, be it as a Stephen Minister or any other aspect of your life, you’re all wrong! Everything giving you doubts about your abilities is everything God is using to prove God’s capabilities!

That’s why Elisha refuses payment, by the way! Elisha knows the healing isn’t anything he did. No, that was God’s work. And as you’ll hear in Stephen Ministry training over and over again, you’re JUST the caregiver. GOD is the cure-giver! 

All you need to be qualified for ministry is, like Naaman, the end of your rope. So go ahead, set aside all your skills, AND your shortcomings, too! Leave them at the shores of your baptismal waters. It’s all the nothing in your life that makes you a prime candidate to be an excellent caregiver in the name of Christ!

That’s why the real hero in this story isn’t Naaman. No, it’s the one who disappears as quickly as she appears, the young servant girl. And, like her, it’ll be nothing more than standing on the wrong side of the worst life can throw at you that will provide you with everything God needs to go about God’s business! 

And so, having all that, let’s do like the young servant girl! Let’s open our lips and speak of this God! Let’s sing Praise to the Lord, the Almighty!


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